Reading Write Alaska

Do you know where your child will be taught in this new school year?



Distance Learning and/or homeschooling simply isn’t manageable for many families. We are here to remove some of that burden and provide in-person classes for your child.

Our program adheres to Alaska State Education Standards, and we make accommodations for those with 504’s.

We also are dyslexia-friendly, and our staff will help innovate the needs of each student.

We Have a Solution!

We have a full-time, certified teacher leading small group in-person classes.

We offer solutions for:

  • English/Language Arts
      (based on grade and ability level)
  • Math
      (based on ability level)
  • Writer’s Workshop
      (based on grade and ability level)

Courses will meet multiple times each week throughout the semester. Students can expect homework, that can be completed unassisted, in each course.



Our small and unique classes are designed to provide you and your child extra help with school so that they have every opportunity to grow and succeed this school year. We hope to have a second semester of classes starting after Christmas break in January, however, our current known dates are posted above. We are vendors with most homeschool co-ops, but these services are not billable to insurance. We will provide our own curriculum that aligns to the Alaska state standards.

What’s included:

Materials such as in class books, workbooks, worksheets, notebooks, scratch paper, coloring markers, scotch tape, staplers, limited access to a printer, in class hand sanitizer, and other miscellaneous items for the students use. This is not a class in which parents are expected to provide extra assistance for their child. In person lessons will be conducted in such a way that students only take home homework that they can do on their own! Grades will be given in response to student’s work and efforts.

*classes are held in Anchorage


Reading Write Alaska is also an approved vendor for all local homeschool programs

Speech Therapy in Anchorage, AK
Speech Therapy in Anchorage, AK
Speech Therapy in Anchorage, AK
Speech Therapy in Anchorage, AK
Speech Therapy in Anchorage, AK
Speech Therapy in Anchorage, AK
Speech Therapy in Anchorage, AK
Speech Therapy in Anchorage, AK


"The scores on our daughter’s most recent re-evaluation are jawdropping. She has gone from reading 13 words on a word identification subtest to 113 words in a year!! Her score went from 67 to 107! Her spelling score went from a 77 to a 99! She was at an early first grade reading level last year and is now testing at mid third grade! We are so thankful for sweet Miss Lori and all she’s done for us!"


Cover for Reading Write Alaska
Reading Write Alaska

Reading Write Alaska

Reading Write Alaska diagnoses and treats a variety of speech, language, and learning impairments, and occupational therapy. We have offices in Anchorage, Eagle River, and Wasilla.

Huge Congratulations go out to our Reading Write Alaska Eagle River Speech Language Pathologist, Eli, for east Ning his CERI Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist designation! This certification has strict requirements and we are very proud of you! 👏🏼 🎉 ... See MoreSee Less
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